The Shop Is Open!
On sale



For just $30 + shipping, I'll do a nice Original Ink Drawing on high quality Bristol board paper and personally pack and ship it to you! Just pick any topic or subject* and I'll do a drawing of that topic or subject!

All you have to do is give me a simple description (in the "instructions to seller" spot during checkout with Paypal) to use as a place to start. The more vague the suggestion is, the better your art will probably be.

For the drawing shown here, the suggestion was, "Pikachu."

These original pieces of artwork make great gifts for friends, family, enemies, or yourself!

Questions or comments? Just email me at philipabuck(at)!


*Any Topic within reason! I reserve the right to refuse any suggestion, (but I'll contact you and let you know.) Basically, I won't draw anything that I feel uncomfortable with or feel is inappropriate, (offensive, insulting, rude, or racy.) I prefer not to do drawings of you, your family, or friends because those require a bit more care and time. -Not that you guys wouldn't be fun to draw. I'm sure you all are interesting looking people. :)

**The drawing will be yours to have, hold, and keep for eternity, HOWEVER this purchase in no way constitutes release, assignation, or license, in whole or in part, of rights to use the work in any other form. You can share it with your friends, of course, but you can't use the drawing in print or on products for your own profit. That's not cool, ya know? I reserve the right to still use the image in such a manner, but you'll totally have the One Of A Kind Original to love.